

Awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters - the apex body to recognize export excellence.

2004 Service Providers to Exporters - Bronze Award
2005 Service Providers to Exporters - Gold Award
2005 DIrect Exports - Broze Award
2006 Service Providers to Exporters - Bronze Award
2007 Service Provider to Exporters - Silver Award
2007 Direct Exports - Merit Award
2009 Direct Exports - Silver Award
2010 Direct Exports - Silver Award
2010 Service Provider to Exporters - Silver Award
2011 Direct Exports - Silver Award
2011 Service Provider to Exporters - Silver Award
2012 Direct Exports - Gold Award
2013 Direct Exports - Silver Award
2013 Service Provider to Exporters - Silver Award


Lanka Star

Awarded by the National Chamber of Exporters - the APEX body of packaging excellence

2007 - Silver Award
2008 - 7 Gold Awards
2008 - 2 Silver Awards
2008 - 3 Bronze Awards
2008 - Special Gold Award for Best Entry
2009 - 4 Gold Awards
2009 - 7 Silver Awards
2009 - 1 Bronze Award
2010 - 5 Gold Awards
2010 - 4 Silver Awards
2010 - 4 Bronze Awards
2010 - President’s Award For The Best Entry
2010 - Special Gold Award For The Highest No of Awards
2011 - 2 Gold Awards
2011 - 4 Silver Awards
2011 - 3 Bronze Awards
2012 - 4 Gold Awards
2012 - 7 Silver Awards
2012 - 2 Bronze Awards
2012 - Presidential Award


Awarded by the Asian Packaging Federation for countries in the Asia Pacific region, in recognition of excellence in packaging design in terms of innovation, graphical appeal, efficiency & environmental performance.

2008 - 2 Asia Star Awards
2009 - 2 Asia Star Awards
2010 - 2 Asia Star Awards
2011 - 2 Asia Star Awards
2013 - 2 Asia Star Awards


Awarded by the World Packaging Organization, this pre-eminent international award in packaging, recognizing global packaging excellence.

2009 - World Star Award
2010 - World Star Award
2011 - World Star Award
2012 - 2 World Star Awards


Awarded by the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries for Achievers of Industrial Excellence. in recognition of good governance, high productivity, high quality, social responsibility etc.

2008 - Merit Award


Awarded by the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka for recognition of Business Excellence.

2011 Manufacturing Non Traditional Exports Sector - Merit Award
2012 Manufacturing Non Traditional Exports Sector - Merit Award


Awarded by the Sri Lanka Institute of Architects in recognition of architectural excellence.

Architects 2003 - Merit Award Category - Artifacts - Stained Glass
Architects 2008 - Merit Award Category - Artifacts - Stained Glass
Architects 2010 - Excellence Award Category - Artifacts - Stained Glass
Architects 2012
Overall Best Trade Stall
Inter - locking Paving Blocks
Architects 2012
Most Innovative & Informative Stall
Inter - locking Paving Blocks
Architects 2012
Best Stall Displaying Local Products
Inter - locking Paving Blocks

Personal Achievements of Our Founder Chairman Managing Director Mr.Gamini Saparamadu

Platinum Award for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2003
Highest National Honour Awarded by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Sri Lanka for an entrepreneur
Union Assurance Challenge Trophy for the Entrepreneur of the Year 2003
Photographic Society of Sri Lanka 31st International Exhibition of Photography 1st Place